MYOB Premier has all the features of MYOB Accounting, with additional features such as :
- handles transactions and accounts in multiple currencies
- allows more than 1 person access to the business datafile at the same time
- has time-billing module
- track stocks kept in different locations
Main modules :
Banking / CashBook Purchases / Accounts Payable Sales / Accounts Receivable Inventory / Stock Control Accounts Job / Project costingMain concepts:
- All modules are integrated with each other. Do things once only
- Single entry
Real time; no batch posting Developed with the layman in mind. No accounting jargons used.Time saving features incorporated in the software
Save recurring transactions as templates. Don't need to re-enter them each time. Store default sales and purchase settings for each customer and supplier - save time whenever you enter a transaction Record details of your phone calls and correspondences, and set recontact dates so you follow up Fax / email your documents (invoice, purchase orders, statement, receipts etc) to your customer and suppliers - save printing time and costs See exactly what's in stock, on order and committed. Stock listing is always up-to-date and accurate. Track profits by projects (jobs) and branches (categories) All reports can be sent to Microsoft Excel (WYSIWYG) To Do List report shows a a summary of major activities Powerful search function
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