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MYOB Accounting - detailed features with screenshots

MYOB Accounting - detailed features with screenshots - Card File Command Centre

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Card File Command Centre
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CardFile Command Centre

This is your contact management tool.   Easily find trasactions that are linked to your cards.

Screen shot : CardFile Command Centre

MYOB Card File

You can also create letters, send emails, and print mailing labels in the CardFile Command Centre. 

Cards List

Create a list of your customer, supplier, employee in the Cards List window.  Each card contains a billing address and five ship-to address, each with three phone numbers, a fax number, an email address and a web address.   

Screenshot : Creating  a new Customer 

MYOB Customer profile 

You can track the history of each customer; their buying patterns throughout the year, the last date of purchase, and amount outstanding.

Identifiers and Custom Lists & Fields 

Group your customers, supplliers, employees and personal contacts using Identifiers and Custom Lists and Custom Fields.  Easily identify a group of customers who bought a particular product or service, and then send them a letter by simplying choosing that identifier when creating the letter. You can also filter sales report using the same identifiers.

Contact Logs

Recod your conversation with your customer,  supplier, or employee,  and create a reminder date for follow up.

Mail merge with Personalised Letters

The software comes with pre-written letters to collect money, and thanking customer for purchasing.  You will be asked to enter your name, and designation before it can be sent to Microsoft Word as a mail merge document. You can create your own standard letters which you can use to send to your contacts.
