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MYOB Business Basic - detailed features with screenshots

MYOB Business Basic - detailed features with screenshots - MYOB Tools and Reporting

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MYOB Tools & Reporting

MYOB Tools

There are several helpful tools in MYOB to help you get the most of the MYOB software.

Find Transactions

The MYOB software stores thousands of business records of your business.

You need to be able to easily look for your records and transactions. MYOB has a special button aptly called 'Find Transactions'.

Screenshot : Find Transaction window

Find transaction in MYOB

This window allows you to search by account codes, customer or supplier names, invoice numbers and job codes  You can use advanced filters to narrow your search by date range, amount range, reference numbers, and even wildcards used in the memo and payee name.

Once you find the record you are looking for, you can click on the arrow button on the left to drill down to see the original transaction.

Edit transactions

You can edit the transaction if the arrow in the Transaction Journal is white in colour. If the arrow is greyed out, you cannot edit the transaction. To set the preferences, you need to go Setup module.

Recurring transactions

To save time, and more importantly, to ensure consistency, all transactions in MYOB can be saved as 'Recurring Transaction'.

Recurring transactions are great for regular payments such as salary, rental and utility bills. It is also useful for once a year journal entry for depreciaition or accruals, and even for ad-hoc purchases of services and goods.


MYOB Reporting

MYOB Reports are customisable, and provide information-on-demand

There are over 70 financial and management reports that gives you a summarised and detailed information-on-demand on the state of your business. The reports are organised into modules so retrieving them is easy.

Screenshot : Index To MYOB Reports in MYOb Business Basics

Report in MYOb BusinessBasics


Since MYOB update the accounts after each recorded transaction, you can therefore have the latest financial status and reports such as Balance Sheet, Income Statement or Aged Receivables  at any time you want.

You can also convert the reports to comma-separated or tab-delimited ASCII formatted text files for purposes of exporting to other systems.

Customising reports in MYOB

You can customise the content and look of your reports.

You can filter your reports to include only a particular account , a particular customer, or specific details such as last contact date. You can add or hide report fields, and drag the field names to reorder the columns of the report.
